Cowichan Valley Health and Care

认识到我们新医院的成功与我们社区中人们的整体健康密切相关,因此Island Health率领一项全面的Cowichan Valley Health&Care计划,以帮助人们蓬勃发展,保持健康并避免计划外计划的方式将我们的服务整合在一起beplay全站App医院通过确定和开发更合适的方法来保留医院,以提供Cowichan地区最好的院外护理。

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The Plan identifies evidence-based options to reduce hospital utilization and promote health and wellness for people in the region by involving local partners in health service planning and implementation.

的Cowichan Valley Health & Care Plan is a whole community approach to planning and delivering health and health-care for priority populations in Cowichan Valley communities. Furthermore, it establishes a roadmap for strengthening and integrating health services to address gaps and remove barriers to achieving better health, with an aim to prevent 7,300 inpatient days by 2025 and 12,000 days by 2035.



February 5 news release:Expansion of Duncan wound care clinic benefits community and nursing staff

The addition of a third treatment room for wound care at Duncan Community Health Services provides a service boost for clients who can visit the clinic, while allowing home care nurses more capacity to treat clients unable to travel for care.

Watch our video below to find out how we’re increasing our ability to care for more clients in our community.


December 18:Island Health Community Wellness Grant helps Cowichan parents learn valuable cooking skills

Yum! Parents from two local daycares expand their kitchen skills with nutritious , delicious cooking classes made possible by Nourish Cowichan and a $12,000 Community Wellness Grant from Island Health.


Sept 19:土著护理药剂师帮助社区成员对自己的健康获得更大的控制

beplay全站AppIsland Health药剂师Jesse Inkster热衷于帮助人们了解其药物。观看此视频以了解有关土著护理药剂师合作的更多信息:

7月26日:Cowichan Tribes and beplay全站AppIsland Health Commission Cowichan地区医院的祝福树


July 25:Duncan Dialysis Patients Pedal Toward Wellness


July 23:谢谢您在紧急情况下的帮助

琳达·扎波克(Linda Zabok)分享了她在突然的健康活动中所获得的照顾。

July 18:Construction starts on Cowichan Hospice House in Duncan

Celebrating an important milestone with the community and service partners who’ve worked tirelessly to fund a new hospice house for the Cowichan Valley.

7月15日:Cowichan Hospital staff add the personal touch

Big City Retiree在CDH上派遣了荣誉接受日间手术护理,并证明您不必是长期居民就可以像CDH一样受到家庭的对待。

6月19日:Cowichan Valley居民的新长期护理之家

Seniors in the Cowichan Valley will soon have improved access to long-term care with the addition of 80 new publicly funded beds in the community.

June 6:Cowichan社区护理人员当地护理团队的珍贵成员

会见卑诗省救护车服务社区护理人员和前首席电力工程师Mike Wright。作为社区护理人员,迈克掌握了社区的脉搏。

Find out how he’s able to check in with people in their homes and connect them with specialized services and care when they need it.


Dr. Shannon Waters discusses the benefits of planning for a health promoting hospital in the Cowichan Valley.

Jan 7:Exceptional medical care at Cowichan hospital

一封可爱的信,这是由父母给Cowichan Valley医院急诊室的团队的编辑;提醒您如何表现出同情心和善良可以使一切变化。

Cowichan District Hospital Celebrates 50 Years of C.A.R.E.