There are many ways you can keep your toddler safe from physical harm. This section has information and community resources to help you ensure car seat safety, a safe home, and safe play for your toddler.
- always use a certified and properly secured car seat when transporting your child by car
- as your toddler develops new motor skills, you will need to upgrade your baby-proofed home to a toddler-proof home
- a safe home includes a smoke-free environment for your toddler
- 尽管我们尽了最大的努力来确保孩子的安全,但事故确实发生了 - 上急救班准备自己
Car Seats
- Rear-facing Infant Seat: Birth to 10 kg (22 lb.)
- Forward-facing Child Seat: 10 to 18 kg (22 - 40 lb.)
- Booster Seat: 18 kg (40 lb.) or over
汽车座椅安全基础知识- 加拿大安全委员会
儿童车安全- 加拿大运输工具
Choosing a child car seat or booster seat-ICBC
- 五分之四的孩子骑车时没有适当地屈服
- 汽车事故是一到九岁的儿童死亡原因第一
- about 75% of deaths and serious injuries that happen in car accidents would have been prevented by the correct use of a child restraint on every car trip
Safe Home
- 确保婴儿的婴儿床,汽车座椅,婴儿车和所有其他设备符合安全标准
- 将所有家用清洁剂,药物,化妆品,维生素和其他毒物存储在固定的橱柜中
- install safety gates on stairs
- 通过将小物体远离您的孩子来防止窒息
- restrict choking hazard foods like nuts and hot dogs and ensure pacifiers meet safety standards
- never leave your toddler unattended in the bath
- 确保玩具适合年龄,并且没有小块可以去除或折断
- 旧油漆和PVC迷你盲的铅可能会对您的宝宝造成伤害 - 重新粉刷并从家里删除百叶窗
- 确保在窗户上安装安全锁
- 降低热水器的温度以减少烫伤的危险
- keep your home smoke-free
- children exposed to cigarette smoke are at higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and diseases and illnesses such as asthma
- accidents happen - take a child first aid class
Safe Play
Toddlers need lots of space outdoors to run and jump and climb, and a place indoors to play games and explore. You can protect your child from injury by making her play environments as safe as possible.
- 给您的孩子玩耍她可以处理的活动 - 大型游乐场看起来很有趣,但是幼儿很难在超大梯子,滑梯和楼梯上安全地玩耍
- make sure backyard pools, streams and ponds are not accessible to small children
- toddlers should always wear helmets when riding in bike trailers or carrier seats
- make sure your children’s toys are age-appropriate and that both toys and clothes are safe and approved by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
- keep caution reasonable
- 您的孩子需要各种各样的体育锻炼来发展运动技能,平衡,力量和敏捷性,这将帮助他们随着成长和尝试新事物而保持自己的身体安全
- 通过使用帽子和阳光等防护服,涂防晒霜并限制曝光
操场安全– Caring for Kids
水安全– Caring for Kids
太阳安全– Caring for Kids