Boil Water FAQs


A Boil Water Notice is a public announcement advising water system users that they should boil their tap water for drinking and other domestic purposes. It is intended to protect the publics’ health from waterborne infectious agents that could be present in the community’s drinking water supply.

建议使用开水来破坏可能存在于水中的病原微生物。沸水一分钟迅速破坏了病原微生物,例如Salmonella,,,,Cryptosporidium,,,,Hepatitis AandNorovirus



It is important to note that Boil Water Notices are specific to microbiological threats. They are not appropriate to address threats from chemical contamination. Boiling chemically contaminated water will only result in the chemical becoming more concentrated or release the chemical into the air where it could be inhaled. In such cases a different kind of Notice would be used.

Are there any people or groups of people at a higher risk?



Water can become contaminated in a variety of ways. Some of these include:

  • 大雨洗净水源
  • 意外溢出的供水
  • Breakdown of the disinfection/treatment process
  • 供水电源中断
  • 故意破坏
  • 饮用水管之间的供水系统中的交叉连接


What do "Turbidity", "Microbiological Contamination" and "Inadequate disinfection" mean?

Turbidity——概括地云雾水高er the turbidity. It is an indirect measure of particulates in the water. Turbidity can result from clay, silt, organic matter, plankton and micro-organisms.

High turbidity can interfere with the disinfection of drinking water and be a source of disease-causing micro-organisms.

Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Watery- Turbidity

Microbiological Contamination

微生物污染可能包括细菌,病毒和原生动物寄生虫,例如贾迪亚(海狸发烧)和Cryptosporidium。Health effects from drinking contaminated water may include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.




Is it necessary to boil all the water in the home during a Boil Water Notice?





Can I purchase water from vending机器?

It depends on how the water is treated. Vending machines that use local water would only be acceptable if the vending machine can kill pathogens that might be present in the water. Check with the store or manufacturer to see if the unit is capable of providing water that is safe to drink.


Can a Microwave Oven be used to boil water?

Health Canada suggests that microwave ovens can be used to boil water using microwave-safe containers but cautions against formingsuperheated water.Superheated水在沸点上方加热而没有蒸汽的形成,并可能导致手和脸部燃烧。使用微波时,加拿大卫生部建议在容器中插入玻璃棒,木制或塑料汤匙,以防止形成过热的水。




Yes, you and your family may continue to shower or bathe as long as no water is swallowed. Parents and caregivers may want to consider sponge bathing children or using a hand held shower head while not spraying the face in order to prevent the risk of children ingesting the water.


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