
National Physicians’ Day 2020 – Dr. Daniel Ontko

To pay tribute to the many dedicated physicians practicing at Island Health and in honour of National Physicians’ Day, we are profiling some of the doctors leading innovations and delivering high quality service to show the human behind the profession. Dr. Ontko is a hematologist and internal medicine specialist in Nanaimo. Originally, from Calgary, Dr. Ontko came to Bamfield on a school trip when he was 15 years old and wanted to return to Vancouver Island after completing his fellowship.

  • Why did you chose medicine and your speciality/field?


  • What is most meaningful to you about your work in medicine?


We have an interesting collection of doctors, too. I think it’s amazing I get to work with people like Dr. Kevin Patterson, a famous writer. We have such brilliant people like, Dr. Mike Kenyon, one of out intensive care doctors, and we have a very collegial environment, we get along very well.

  • What are your professional interests and notable achievements?

I scored in the 99 percentile in the MCAT, but I haven’t won any big awards. I am proud of participating in the development of a new internal medicine unit here in Nanaimo. We’ve been trying to get an inpatient rounding unit for many years with limited success. We were finally successful due to the work of many people over the years and my role as medical lead.



  • Who or what do you turn to for inspiration?

In medicine, there is no lack of good mentors. Many people, who have worked for many years and done quite spectacular things, are here in Nanaimo. Dr. Robin Love is a family physician who has done all sorts of medicine including minor surgeries and he’s set up the palliative care program, that I consider world-class. He is an excellent example of positive physician leadership. I’m also impressed with Dr. Sam Williams in Port Alberni. She is a great advocate for physicians and patients.

  • 您要去哪里,或者做什么,以补充电池?

I’m a big reader and since moving to the island I’ve started playing chess, which I’ve never done before, it’s my non-mindless activity. But mostly these days it’s entirely work and chasing after children.

  • 您喜欢的最后一本书或播客是什么?

Kevin Patterson sent me “The Meaning Of Everything” by Simon Winchester. It’s a good story about making the dictionary. I’ve been reading a lot of ephemeral literature these days like the New Yorker, although it’s all about COVID, like the entire world, all the time.

  • What change has occurred on during the COVID-19 pandemic that you want to remain?

The alterations of the rules surrounding telehealth have allowed us to utilize technology to care for patients remotely more easily. It’s nice to be able to phone patients and have increased access to them. Most patients I still need to see in-person but this change has been helpful. It’s difficult because it will change a lot over the next few months. Patients we aren’t seeing are going to need to be seen and morbidity may increase as we have to assume heart attacks continue to occur.

Since the pandemic began, I’ve been working out of the hospital and talking to my patients remotely. I’ve split my hematology practice and been working on the COVID team, so it’s a big change. My colleagues working at the traditional clinic have a hard time booking patients.

  • What do you wish more people knew about practicing medicine?

虽然我们strive to have answers, we often don’t. And this troubles doctors as much as it does the patients.
