
国家医生2020年 - 杰夫·贝塞尔特博士

许多专门医生公关致敬acticing at Island Health and in honour of National Physicians’ Day, we are profiling some of the doctors leading innovations and delivering high quality service to show the human behind the profession.

杰夫·贝塞尔特(Jeff Beselt)博士是坎贝尔河(Campbell River)的急诊医师,他还在夸达卡(Kwadacha)和卑诗省北部的Tsay Keh Dene First Nations Communities练习家庭医学。

  • Why did you chose medicine and your speciality/field?

我真的很喜欢具有挑战性的环境和不同的冒险。急诊医学以及农村和远程护理都提供。急诊室为我提供了不同的挑战,并在很少有支持的偏远地区保持了我的技能,以训练。在偏远的环境中,当我们关注并通过从出生到死亡的整个生活中,我开始担任护理团队的一部分。多年来,我真的很喜欢很好地认识人们。在艾伯塔大学(University of Alberta)获得医学学位后,我在乔治王子(Prince George)居住,发现我喜欢在农村和远程护理原住民社区工作。在过去的15年中,我一直在练习。

  • What is most meaningful to you about your work in medicine?

Hearing people’s stories is very meaningful. I am amazed at what people will share with you when you take the time to listen. People seeking health care can be vulnerable and listening to their stories changes the way care is delivered. Hearing people’s stories also changes you.

  • Who or what do you turn to for inspiration?

In most remote First Nations communities across Canada, there is a community health representative. This person is the often the sole frontline worker for their community – they do everything, from visiting sick people at home, to organising the clinic visits and long term medications, as well as being the first responder. Although they receive very little training, they perform extraordinary care for all community members, including their family. They really do so much with so little and I think about them for inspiration. Janet, Joyce, Athena, Seraphine, Ruby, Peggy- you are my heroes!

  • 您要去哪里,或者做什么,以补充电池?


  • 您喜欢的最后一本书是什么?

Black Box Thinkingby Matthew Syed. It’s about how the key to success is reflecting on failure. By using examples from the evolution of aviation accidents the book shows how it’s OK to not get it right on the first try and how to learn from your mistakes. I’ve found that to be the case on my journey in medicine. I didn’t get everything right on my first try. This includes leadership, remote medicine and more.

  • What core value have you most relied on during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The pandemic has been hard. I haven’t been able to travel to the villages to see patients. I’ve been working with Island Health and the First Nations Health Authority but it hasn’t been easy to support communities to respond to COVID. The core values I’ve relied on have been courage and compassion. Right now, supporting people requires different ways of doing things. First, you have to listen, and then have the courage to act.

  • What is a change you’ve seen to the health system over the last few months that you are eager to see sustained?

People in remote areas often don’t have phones or cell service, but since the pandemic, home telehealth has been really fun. I find it more patient-centered to “meet” people where they live. We’re trying to support people accessing care from home, instead of seeing the nurses in person in the nursing station. We’re trying to support people where they are and it’s been a profound change. I had a video appointment with a young mom recently and although it’s not ideal, she may have not had that appointment without telehealth. She was sitting on her porch on her tablet, explaining how self-isolation has impacted her mental health. This is just one example of the system being nimble and more patient centric which I hope continues.

  • What do you wish more people knew about practicing medicine?

How much of an honour it really is to visit with our patients and learn from them. The more I practice medicine the more I realize how special it is. People may not share with anyone else what they tell their doctor and with this trust, there is great responsibility. It’s hard to do a good job because you have such a high expectation of yourself and you don’t want to let your patients down. At the end of the day, medicine is just two people sitting in a room talking. It’s not pressure, but the magnitude of the responsibility is significant.

  • 您对加拿大医疗保健的未来有什么希望?

The pandemic has shown an unexpected pace of change in the health system, some good, some bad. I see a willingness to reflect on the way we do things as good. What if we did a drastic review of our health care system around patient-centered care or cultural safety? The pandemic has enabled us to make changes and this gives me hope that our 150-year-old system is flexible.
