
Cowichan Valley医师参与:桥接鸿沟




This commitment to improving collaboration has been facilitated in many ways including ensuring that all physicians working in the area have forums to be heard and that they are informed as to how to navigate the system to allow them to contribute to the planning and decision making within the area. These contributions have been provided through a variety of channels including the Collaborative Services Committee (CSC), the CDH Quality and Operations Committee, the Cowichan Valley Quality and Operations Council, the development of the Physician Human Resource Planning Committee, the Local Medical Advisory Council and the Health Authority Medical Advisory Council.



  • implementation of the electronic Best Possible Medication History (eBPMH) in the CDH Emergency Department
  • 实施更多OB计划
  • 选择主要关节置换患者的同一天出院
  • 成功地在急诊室实施中风协议
  • 手术室和外科服务的空前效率


At a shared care engagement event recently held in Cowichan, these examples were outlined by Dr. Graham Blackburn as part of his presentation to highlight how the area can adapt the principles of highly reliable organisations to drive operating cost reductions and higher output, while maintaining the high safety environment demanded by healthcare environments. Together with Brenda Aguiar, Quality and Safety Lead for Geography 3, Dr. Blackburn explained that the key to a highly reliable organization’s performance is to conduct consistent, sustainable and low error operations based on informed, high quality decision making and controls and that collaboration and engagement between physicians and administrators is necessary for this to be executed successfully. As Dr. Graham Blackburn put it, "Getting to know each other and understanding how we can best work together will help us provide reliable, high quality health care."

活动结束后,鲍勃·安德森(Bob Anderson)博士说:“我希望我们所有人将来都能有更多这样的活动。我认为我们所有人都可以很好地工作,以至于我们忽略了CDH上演变的全面服务功能。多么的团队!!”

此外,尽管Jan Malherbe博士将是第一个承认自己不是一个值得渴望的人,但他还发现订婚会议非常愉快。

"The sessions were unique in that we had various levels of care providers in one place, sitting together shoulder to shoulder, all speaking to the same topic of how we can improve patient care. There’s a great deal of value in the perspectives of so many people with vastly different experiences," says Dr. Malherbe. "Every day on the wards, I see these same people and witness their commitment to our patients, but there isn’t time for deep engagement. After brainstorming with them at the sessions there is now a recognition that we were all part of the same process. It’s absolutely brilliant."

Throughout the four-year journey to improve collaboration and build relationships based on trust, the Cowichan Valley has recognized that a key principle in alignment has been "separate togetherness" in which physicians and administrators have maintained their own autonomy as separate groups but simultaneously united around a common purpose of driving up standards of quality care and provision of service delivery. This shared vision, common purpose and trust is what is hoped will lead the Cowichan Valley to continue its pursuit of operational excellence, and a coveted spot as one of the best places to work on Vancouver Island for both physicians and administrators alike.

区域主任艾玛·詹姆斯(Emma James)和地区医疗总监米歇尔·韦泽尔(Michelle Weizel)博士都承认:“科琴地区很幸运有一群致力于和敬业的医生,他们处理将运营策略与能量和热情保持一致的工作,并真正致力于真正致力于改善组织和总体实现我们的地区目标。”
