
Island Health Organizational Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought huge changes to the way we live and work.

At Island Health, our response to the pandemic highlights the amazing teams and people who are part of the Island Health family, and the exceptional work you do every day. Thank you.

I have watched as teams adapted and changed how they work – partnering and integrating in new ways, finding and taking advantage of natural alignments, breaking down silos and creating new relationships – all to deliver tremendous care. I truly believe the leadership and care we provided to the people we serve is a key factor in keeping COVID-19 at a very low level throughout Island Health.

Now is the time to build on our successes and our learning over the last few months – to hard-wire those strengths and pull forward the changes into the new normal that is improving the way we work and provide care. We need to be ready for an anticipated second wave of COVID-19 this fall.

With the recently announced departures of two members of our executive team, I am reorganizing the executive structure to put us in the best position to strengthen and better align our planning and strategic direction with our operations – how we actually do the work.

This organizational realignment is built on four key principles:

  • Strengthen integration and partnership between strategy and operations
  • Align functions so natural groups who need to co-create are organized together
  • Further distribute our executive presence outside of Victoria
  • Ensure our Quality Councils have voice directly into the executive team

In moving forward to our new normal – to a more regional model of clinical leadership – we will enhance our strengths that have brought us to today. We will embrace the change in our new normal as we drive a stronger matrix relationship between Island-wide standards and local delivery.

Thenew structurewill come into effect on June 29, providing time for necessary transitions.

Some functions and teams will change portfolios, and our leadership team will work together to ensure a successful transition. Where it makes sense, some of these changes in reporting may occur earlier than June 29th.

In addition to this past Tuesday's appointment of Victoria Schmid as the Vice President – Pandemic Planning, today I am also pleased to share that Dawn Thomas has been appointed as Island Health's first Executive Lead – Indigenous Health. In partnership with Indigenous communities we have undertaken a process to seek out the person who could best lead our organization on this important journey. I am confident we have exactly the person we need. Pleaseread moreabout Dawn's appointment.

You can find an interim executive organization chart that will take us from today until the June 29th transitionhere.

I believe this organizational design will position us well as we lean into our new normal, and pursue our2020-2025 Strategic Framework(please note: Island Health Log-in required)和我们的身体健康、关心everyone, everywhere, every time.

With tremendous gratitude, and excitement for the opportunities in front of us,
