Avoid social gatherings to slow the spread of COVID-19

Island Health is working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control to respond to COVID-19. The situation is evolving quickly and our strategies are evolving to keep people in the communities we serve safe.

To support the Provincial Health Officer’s directions around social distancing and protect our residents, patients and staff from the transmission of COVID-19, Island Health wants to reinforce the importance of avoiding gatherings to limit the spread of this virus.

We know that it can be difficult and disappointing to cancel special events and not have contact with family and friends outside your home. However, this is a critically important way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect your friends, family and neighbours, as well as our health-care care system, at this challenging time.

Social distancing does not mean total isolation. If you do not have symptoms you can enjoy the outdoors and activities that do not bring you into contact with people from outside your home.

  • Enjoy social activities with people in your household and connect with friends and family from a distance, via social media or the telephone.
  • Take an online course.
  • Complete projects at home.
  • Take advantage of the many online resources being made available free of charge by museums and performing arts organizations.

This is an unusual time and we thank you for your support, patience and understanding.