
Comox Valley-需要社区临终关怀护理的客户将继续在临终关怀中访问这项服务,直到2020年有一个新的,专门建造的临终关怀空间已准备就绪。


“Island Health supports the steering committee’s recommendation that will ensure the established hospice program remains intact in the short-term and transition smoothly to a new specially designed facility in the future,” said Norm Peters, Island Health’s Executive Director, Surgery, Residential Care and End of Life. “We would like to thank members of the steering committee for all of the work and time they committed to this process.”

2018年3月,Island beplay全站AppHealth发布了提案请求(RFP),到2020年,从Comox Valley的一个或多个提供商那里寻求多达151个复杂护理床。当时,Island Healbeplay全站Appth宣布了目前位于景观的四个临终关怀床,以及另外两张新的临终关怀床,将与通过RFP流程确定的长期护理提供者搬迁,客户可以在其中访问End of End of End Spectrum- 生活护理,包括死亡的医疗援助。

The Steering Committee membership included representatives from the Comox Valley Hospice Society, a local physician and members of the community.


The Comox Valley Hospice Society is appreciative of the opportunity for community involvement provided by Island Health to consider potential interim locations for the community hospice beds,” said Paula Horky, Comox Valley Hospice Society President. “Following careful consideration of all the potential options, keeping the hospice beds at The Views until the new and permanent location is completed is the best option for supporting people who are dying, grieving and caregiving in the community. The CVHS will continue to work with staff at Hospice at The Views and Island Health to ensure each person receives the compassionate hospice palliative care that matters most to them.”

beplay全站App岛健康’s End of Life program, the Comox Valley Hospice Society and St. Joseph’s have established a patient-centered compassionate transfer process for patients requesting MAiD.



去年秋天,一个指导委员会包括科莫克斯谷临终关怀协会,当地的医生和社区成员被建立,以考虑搬迁目前位于The Views的四个社区临终关怀床的潜在临时选择,这是由St. Joseph’s.

Following careful consideration of the all potential options, the Steering Committee unanimously recommended to Island Health that the community hospice beds remain at Hospice at The Views until the new, purpose-built location is ready for occupancy in 2020.

Options considered included:

  1. 四个社区临终关怀床的临时搬迁到科克斯山谷的另一个复杂护理地点
  2. 四个社区临终关怀床的临时搬迁到北岛医院,科莫克斯谷校园
  3. Continue to operate the four community hospice beds at Hospice at the Views in the interim until the new purpose-built location is ready for occupancy in 2020.


  1. 在三个潜在的临时选择中,哪种选择最能支持需要社区临终关怀的客户,他们的家人及其照顾者
  2. 一些临时地点可以提供一系列的生命服务,包括垂死的医疗援助(女仆)
  3. Time and financial costs associated with creating an appropriate interim location
  4. 与新的临床人员培训和教育相关的时间和费用,以在临时地点创建必要的护理计划
  5. 临时期间暂时失去住宅护理能力的潜力
  6. Potential for disruption to clients, staff and established hospice program and philosophy
  7. 在大约两年的时间范围内两次搬迁社区临终关怀床相关的客户,员工,家庭和照顾者的中断
  8. 就及时的医师和家庭访问而言

beplay全站App岛健康支持指导委员会的再保险commendation that the community hospice beds remain at The Views on an interim basis. St. Joseph’s has been an excellent partner in care in the Comox Valley and we look forward to a continued relationship with St. Joe’s and the Comox Valley Hospice Society in delivering community hospice care until the new purpose-built location is completed.

beplay全站AppIsland Health为温哥华岛,萨利什海和约翰斯通海峡的岛屿以及鲍威尔河以北的大陆社区提供了767,000多人的医疗保健和支持服务。

Media Inquiries:

谢丽尔·布洛克汉姆(Cheryl Bloxham)