社区健康赠款帮助SD 62小学学习ABC的物理识字能力

科尔伍德Physical literacy is the joy of movement. It’s about teaching, promoting and learning the building blocks of movement, all in the context of playful and fun activities. Unfortunately, many children (and adults) are not physically literate; however, a $50,000 Island Health Community Wellness Grant received bySooke学区62(SD 62)正在帮助改善这些结果。

“Through grants like this, we’re happy to be able to work together with children, families and the school system to develop a joy of movement and healthy living that hopefully stays with children as they grow,” said Ravi Kahlon, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and Multiculturalism.

The grant is being used to foster physical literacy training for teachers, boost physical activity levels for elementary school students, and build key relationships among a host of community partners including the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE), Westshore Parks and Recreation, SEAPARC, University of Victoria and the CRD.

“The wellness grant has acted as a catalyst for collaboration, allowing us to work with six partners to better support the promotion of physical literacy and physical activity within our school communities,” explains Cindy Andrew, SD 62 Healthy Schools Lead. “This investment has really helped us to initiate new partnerships and strengthen existing relationships – all with the goal of ensuring that kids are developing the skills, confidence and love of movement to be physically active for life.”

The Community Wellness Grant was used to create an innovative program anchored by physical literacy training for teachers from knowledgeable PISE staff who, during a 10-week period, meet with teachers and students at three SD 62 elementary schools to provide physical literacy mentorship during half hour blocks.

“We develop physical literacy through games and activities that build confidence and movement skills. Things like kicking and throwing and catching or movements as simple as running and jumping, all through fun and engaging activities,” explains Ben Orr, Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence Physical Literacy Programmer. “Our goal is to empower the teachers and ensure they are better equipped to teach physical literacy concepts on their own. Because of the Community Wellness Grant, we are able to do that more effectively.”


“体育锻炼是儿童身心健康的关键决定因素,但是根据2018年儿童和青少年体育活动的参与报告卡,只有35%的5至17岁的儿童获得了建议的60分钟中度至剧烈运动的日子。beplay全站App“我们很高兴SD 62及其合作伙伴正在共同努力,将这项社区健康赠款用于提高体育扫盲和体育锻炼率,同时增加了整体健康,对SD 62名学生的健康和学习。”


“The ‘training the trainer’ mentorship approach is fabulous because it gives teachers new ideas, activities, and strategies that serve to strengthen our existing physical education programs,” says Martina Craig, David Cameron Elementary Vice-Principal. “The training isn’t sport specific, which is important – rather, it’s about teaching kids to love movement and building their skills and confidence inside and outside of the classroom.”

With over 600 children participating in the project, teachers are being trained to ‘think outside of the box’ during their 10-week physical literacy mentorships. They learn a wide variety of fun and exciting games and activities aimed at allowing children to explore movement and skills development. So far, the program has been embraced by teachers and students, including those in Jessie Janzen’s grade 4 class at David Cameron Elementary.

“他们喜欢该程序,因为一切都是游戏 - 具有规则和结构的有趣游戏。这很有趣,”詹岑说。“而且我发现PISE指导会议非常有效。他们为教师提供一种共同的语言和共同的观点,包括在职业生涯开始时拥有多年经验的人和老师。您通过做和观看来学习,这些课程肯定增强了我的体育技能。”

The program has also created a focus for collaboration across community partners and laid the foundation for sustained investment and further expansion.

“该项目的一个关键组成部分是为我们的决策提供了研究。从本质上讲,该项目为我们提供了一个活着的实验室,以了解什么有效,无效,以及对老师和学生的区别。”辛迪·安德鲁(Cindy Andrew)说。“一旦获得信息,每个合作伙伴都可以回到他们的领导团队,并说‘这是数据向我们展示的内容,这是我们想要的地方。”我们的希望是,这是我们所有合作伙伴的持续持续承诺的第一阶段。”

同时,SD 62名教师将继续学习如何创造优质的体育体验,以帮助学生发展技能,娱乐和燃烧能量,并在放学前后。

“Teachers are influenced by the way they themselves were taught as children. I have students in my class who are already expressing an interest in teaching when they grow up,” says Jessie Janzen. “These sessions will create lasting effects on those students. If they are taught physical literacy in this way, then that is the way they will teach their own students someday.”

For more information about the SD 62 “通过体育锻炼促进弹性项目,联系辛迪·安德鲁(Cindy Andrew),SD 62健康学校的领导candrew@sd62.bc.ca

beplay全站AppIsland Health的社区健康授予计划可供地方政府,非营利性社区组织以及与人口健康,健康和健康有关的工作。要了解有关Island Health社区beplay全站App健康赠款计划的更多信息,请访问:http://communitygrants.islandhealth.ca

Media inquiries:

Shawna Cadieux


beplay全站AppIsland Health为温哥华岛,萨利什海和约翰斯通海峡的岛屿以及鲍威尔河以北的大陆社区提供了793,000多人的医疗保健和支持服务。Island Health拥有21,000多名员工和2,000多名医师合作伙伴,6,000名志愿者以及对基金会和辅助机构的专门支持,提供了广泛的健康服务,包括:公共卫生服务,初级卫生保健,家庭和社区护理,心理健康,心理健康beplay全站App以及成瘾服务,医院的急性护理以及在一个庞大的地理不同地区的更多。