Expansion of Duncan wound care clinic benefits community and nursing staff

Marlene Rice, a wound care clinic client at Duncan Community Health Services on Ingram Street, says the recent addition of a third treatment room for wound care is a big benefit for clients and for nursing staff alike.

“It means a lot not only for the community, but also for nursing care,” she says.

邓肯社区卫生服务经理唐娜·乔恩·塔普(Donna Jouan-Tapp)表示,伤口诊所的扩张还意味着,家庭护理护士需要下降的时间来向客户提供伤口护理。

“Demands for community nursing care have resulted in increases to workloads by 15 per cent annually over the last three years,” says Jouan-Tapp. “We needed to figure out what to do differently and expanding the wound clinic was a simple first step.”

The addition of the third room has dramatically increased the clinic’s nursing capacity by 30 per cent – meaning more clients who are mobile can now get the care they need by attending a booked appointment at the clinic as opposed to clinic nurses travelling to the clients’ homes to provide care. The expanded wound clinic is an efficient way for nurses to continue delivering quality care to mobile wound care clients.

“For every person we visit in their home, we can care for three people here at the wound clinic in the same amount of time, “ said Jouan-Tapp, adding part of the reason for that is nurses don’t have to factor in travel time when providing care to patients at the wound clinic.

补充说,家庭护理护士Kecia Bremner:“如果我要在Cowichan湖中见到某人,我必须在一个小时的旅行时间中考虑到照顾客户所需的时间。在路上,我每天可以拜访五到七个客户,具体取决于他们的住所,而在伤口诊所,一名护士每天可以看到多达16个客户。”

The changes have also allowed staff in the wound clinic to provide consistency for their clients where clients tend to see the same nurse time after time.

邓肯社区卫生服务部负责人埃里卡·麦肯德里(Erica McKendry)说:“一致性很重要,因为客户不必重复有关自己及其条件的相同信息。”“相反,伤口护理诊所的护士知道他们的客户以及他们的生活中发生了什么。”

Another benefit of the wound clinic for clients is that they can book an appointment.

“Wound clinic clients can schedule their day around their appointment. They don’t have to wait for us,” says Bremner.

Client Roger Allan has been receiving care at the wound clinic for the last several months. “I can see why it’s a more effective and efficient way of handling matters than having staff travelling out to where I am,” says Allan. “By having an exact appointment, it really does make life easier.”


“Our goal is to support clients to heal and improve their quality of life – the faster we can look after their wounds, the faster they can get back to their own lives,” explains Shona Van Eeuwen, Nurse Practitioner, Duncan Community Health Services.

The Duncan community nursing team expects to carry out more than 24,000 client visits this fiscal year. It’s a daunting number but with the expansion of the clinic, staff feel better equipped to meet the needs of the community where patients who are mobile and have access to transportation can make appointments with the clinic, and home care nurses will continue to visit other, less mobile patients in their homes.

“We are always looking for best evidence ways to provide good, quality service that allows us to use our existing resources to maximum efficiency,” says Jouan-Tapp. ““The wound clinic expansion means we don’t have wait lists, can respond to client needs in the moment and ensure they are cared for in a timely fashion.”

A process improvement project which initially spurred the expansion of the wound clinic has also been very well received, earning Jouan-Tapp and her team an Island Health Evidence-Into-Practice gold medal award in fall 2019.

Cheryl Bloxham