Nanaimo health care providers get in step with annual Walk With Your Doc event

NANAIMO — Dr. Derek Poteryko, Dr. Betty Bartleman and Dr. Kelvin Houghton invite community members to walk with local health care providers on Saturday May 13, at the Nanaimo Walk With Your Doc event.

The walk starts at 10 am at Maffeo Sutton Park.

To register online, go to search for Nanaimo.

“We know that sitting is the new smoking, and we encourage everyone to be active every day,” said Dr. Poteryko, Island Health’s Medical Director of Community Health for Nanaimo. “Walking with us on May 13 is a great way to do this. We’re inviting the whole community to join us as we talk the talk and walk the walk.”

Walk with your Doc is a Province-wide event happening between May 6 and 14. Details about other walks in the mid-Island region are also available at

Since 2010 Walk With Your Doc has been spreading the word to British Columbians about the health benefits of daily walking. Each year, during the week of May 10, the World Health Organization’s international Move for Health Day, doctors across BC host walking events for their patients and often for their community too. It is an initiative of the Doctors of BC, the organization representing physicians around the province.

To date, over 200 walks have been organized, with hundreds of health care providers and thousands of people participating.

Hope to see you there!

Central/North Island media inquiries:

Adrienne Breen
Media Relations