
Port Alberni-西海岸总医院的患者和访客可以通过Free Wi-Fi保持联系,这是西海岸总医院基金会支持的新服务。

In April 2018, Lake Cowichan resident, Sarah Gibson, started a petition asking Island Health to introduce free public Wi-Fi for patients. Gibson, who lives with Cystic Fibrosis, found the financial burden of using her data plan while she’s in the hospital to stay connected with family, friends and her CF support group was an added stress.

“I would like to thank Sarah for creating awareness on the benefits of publicly-accessible Wi-Fi at hospitals,” said Health Minister Adrian Dix. “Her efforts led us to develop a creative solution to provide free Wi-Fi at West Coast General Hospital. There are many critically important demands in our health-care system; however, when we engage our auxiliaries and foundations we can deliver on patient-centric amenities like Wi-Fi that enhance medical services and programs and help patients stay more connected.”

“这是个好消息!我要感谢所有加紧资助这项服务的基金会和辅助机构。” Island Health患者Sarah Gibson说。beplay全站App“尽管通过Wi-Fi保持联系可能不是医疗服务,但我从经验中知道,在医院外面建立这些联系确实可以帮助康复和康复。”

患者和访客可以通过搜索并连接到无线网络“ IslandHealthGuest”来访问新服务。免费的公共Wi-Fi将支持基本的Internet浏览,但不支持与高清视频流有关的大型带宽。该服务始于2018年9月6日。

基金会业务总监克里斯·弗朗西斯(Chris Francey)说:“患者和访客很高兴能够与家人,朋友和工作保持联系。”“我们很高兴能够在西海岸总医院为这项服务提供资金。”

该基金会致力于支付操作cost for public Wi-Fi, estimated to be up to $2,000 annually. Island Health will provide the service within the hospital’s existing Wi-Fi system, without adding any new wireless signals or access points.

“We’re very grateful to the Foundation for supporting this program because many of our patients travel to be here, and this service will help them more easily stay connected to their support network,” said Kelly McColm, Interim Site Manager at WCGH.

WCGH是本月介绍公共Wi-Fi的五个岛beplay全站App屿健康医院之一。在其当地基金会或辅助机构的支持下;维多利亚综合医院,皇家禧年医院,Cowichan地区医院和Minto Lady Hospital是提供此服务的最新医院。Nanaimo地区总医院的公共Wi-Fi于6月推出,坎贝尔河和Comox的北岛医院校园在2017年开业时包括Wi-Fi。


WCGH拥有400多名员工40名附属护理提供者和近100名志愿者,为Alberni Valley和West Coast的人民提供护理。


beplay全站AppIsland Health是不列颠哥伦比亚省的六个卫生司法管辖区之一,为温哥华岛,萨利什海和约翰斯通海峡的岛屿以及鲍威尔河以北的大陆社区提供医疗保健和支持服务。

Island Health拥有20,000多名员工,1,900名医师合作伙伴,6,000名志愿者以及对基金会和辅助人员的专门支持,提供了广泛的健康服务,包括:公共卫生服务,初级保健,家庭和社区护理,心理健康,心理健康和beplay全站App成瘾服务,医院的急性护理以及在一个庞大的地理不同地区的更多。

谢丽尔·布洛克汉姆(Cheryl Bloxham)