Working with families, the Supported Child Development Program (SCDP) provides consultation, extra staffing supports and staff training to child care providers and early childhood educators.
The SCDP helps to ensure that all children are included in, and learn from, their preschool, daycare, or child care arrangement in Greater Victoria.
The Supported Child Development Program (SCDP)
- accepts referrals from both parents and professionals who work with children with developmental and behavioural challenges from birth to 19 years
- gives priority to the inclusion of children in licensed child care and preschool programs
- 与儿童保育提供者,学龄前经营者和家庭合同,以提供包容性护理和发展机会
SCD Consultants
- must be involved for a family or child care provider to receive any of the services from the Supported Child Development Program
- 是Qacch的成员Early Intervention Program(出生到5年或入学)或学历治疗计划(5至13年)
- commits resources to the support plans based on local and provincial policies and procedures to the limit of the SCDP’s available budget
- decides on the level of consultant support and funding for staffing (in addition to Island Health Licensing adult-to-child ratio) by:
- completing the support guide with families and child care providers
- observing the child in their child care setting
- consulting with other health care professionals and community partners involved with the child and family
Community Partners
Victoria Native Friendship Centre
Community Living Victoria
Ministry for Children and Family Development
More Information
SCD Program Brochure
Training Opportunities
The Supported Child Development Programs is committed to inclusion of all children, no matter their abilities. Key principles guide how the SCDP promotes the inclusion of children.
Age Groups
Children - Birth to 5 years (school entry)
The Supported Child Development Program will:
- provide support forone inclusive child development opportunity for children birth to 5 years (school entry)
- give priority to those inclusive opportunities in preschools and daycares upon completion of the support guide process
- 鼓励家庭首先在顾问可能考虑为IAC或举办家庭托儿安排提供支持之前,首先探索学前班或日托环境。
When both parents are working or going to school full-time, families may access SCDP supports to promote their child's inclusion in a daycare program.
SeeSCDP合同for more detailed information.
Children 5 (kindergarten) to 12 years
The Supported Child Development Program:
- give priority to supporting children whose parents require child care to work or go to school full-time outside school hours
- may provide support and resources to kindercare or out of school care settings
Out of School Care (OSC)
Out of school care may take place before and/or after school. Private or public school is considered the primary development opportunity for children in this age range. Families are encouraged to explore licensed out of school care settings before an SCD consultant may approve an IAC provider or In-Own-Home arrangement.
Inclusive Assisted Care (IAC)
家庭后排气ed all community alternatives, an IAC arrangement may be organized as:
- a temporary child care setting for emergency child care
- a short-term coverage between inclusive child care arrangements
- a means of slowly joining a licensed child care setting that includes overlapping support for extended visits
In-Own-Home contracts will be reserved for those children with medical complexities and extreme behavioural challenges that necessitate an extended transition into a more inclusive community child care setting.
Guide completed by an SCD consultant to access supports from the Supported Child Development Program (SCDP).
SeeSCDP合同for more detailed information.
The information gathered during the Support Guide process helps to guide the SCD consultant's clinical decision regarding the level of SCDP services.
支持指南may include:
- SCD consultant’s observations of the child in the child care setting
- 其他医疗保健专业人员和社区合作伙伴的评估和/或报告
- the efforts and strategies used by the child care staff to promote inclusion
- consult only support
- consultant support in combination with extra staffing support in licensed child care settings
- 在结合临时顾问支持supported child care arrangement
Consultant Only Services include:
- 提供有关家庭成长和护理目标的观察,建议和讨论的现场培训
- 组织与治疗师和其他岛屿健康和社区专业人士的团队会议beplay全站App
- off-site training in the form of workshops, information sessions, mentoring opportunities
- networking opportunities for families and/or child care providers
- 儿童发展机会指南,包括日托选择以及娱乐中心或PlayGroups
- navigating community partners through the local child care system
Extra Staffing Support funded by SCDP
- enhances staffing levels in order to help ensure the effective inclusion of all the children in the child care setting.
- are considered shared and are in addition to adult-to-child ratios specified by Island Health Licensing regulations. SCDP does not fund “one-to-one” support.
- promotes teamwork by helping all staff to take responsibility and participate in modifications or adaptations to the environment and programming.
- may only complement on-site therapeutic interventions with prior approval by the SCD consultant.
Temporary Supported Care Arrangements may include:
- sub-contracting with an individual to provide care in their own home as an Inclusive Assisted Care (IAC) provider
- creating an In-Own-Home contract with a family for a child with medical complexities or severe behaviour challenges