
Nanaimo Covid-19测试和免疫诊所重新定位
Island Health is consolidating two clinics in Nanaimo that are critical in the fight against COVID-19.
Standard testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is performed through serologic testing, which requires a small sample of blood to be drawn and sent to a lab for analysis. All labs in Canada use fourth-generation HIV tests, which can both detect the presence of HIV antibodies in your blood (your body’s reaction to the virus) and the virus itself. It can take from one to two weeks to receive test results.
STI测试(包括艾滋病毒)使用别名(一个编写名称)或仅在Victoria Health UnitSTI诊所。未收集可追溯的联系信息。有关更多信息,请访问网站or phone 250-388-2200 to book an appointment.
这re are a number of HIV and STI testing clinics where you can have an HIV test either by appointment or by drop-in. Consult theSmartSexresource诊所查找器在您附近找到诊所的位置。
getcheckedonlineis an internet-based service that offers confidential testing for sexually-transmitted and blood borne infections without needing to visit a doctor. GetCheckedOnline is available in partnership with the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC).
快速的HIV测试,也称为治疗点(POC)HIV测试,需要通过手指刺吸收几滴人的血液。在客户等待时,对血液进行了现场测试,目的是在现场存在HIV抗体。那些筛选负面的人将在几分钟之内取得成果;必须通过发送给省实验室的抽血来确认反应性结果。从搜索选项到SmartSexResource Clinic Finder选择“ HIV测试(护理点)”,以找到您最近的POC测试位置。
HIV testing is routinely offered at select hospitals within Island Health Authority.
Check with yourlocal public health unit找出是否可用HIV测试。
这B.C. HIV Testing Guidelinesrecommend that health care providers know the HIV status of all patients under their care. An HIV test should be offered:
routinely, every five years, to all patients aged 18-70 years
After your diagnosis, you will be contacted by a Communicable Disease Nurse, who will make sure that you start working closely with a health care provider experienced in treating people with HIV and get appropriate support as soon as possible. The things they will discuss with you include:
With appropriate treatment and care, HIV is considered a manageable chronic disease, like diabetes or heart disease. Nowadays, an individual living with HIV can expect to live a long and healthy life. HIV treatment also helps prevent passing on HIV to others.
In British Columbia, HIV/AIDS medications are provided at no cost to medically eligible patients through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Drug Treatment Program.
有关治疗的更多信息,请参阅Your Guide to HIV Treatment
For more information on HIV, consult these CATIE fact sheets:
有关其他信息,请致电HealthLinkBCat 8-1-1 and speak to a registered nurse anonymously anytime, every day of the year.