Step 1 – Contact Us
Please see contact information for your regional Community Access Centre below.
如果你认为你的朋友或家人member may need support from Community Health Services, call the Community Access Centre in your region.
Please have the following information with you for yourself or the person you are calling for:
- Full name
- BC Care Card or BC Services Card
- Date of birth
- Home address
- Contact information of close relative/friend
If we cannot take your call, you will be asked to leave a message with a phone number to call you back at and the name of the person who you are calling for (if different from yourself). A Community Access Clerk will return your call as soon as possible to arrange for an Intake Clinician to contact you – it may take up to 72 hours if we are receiving many phone calls.
Step 2 - Initial Clinical Assessment
A Community Access Intake Clinician will conduct an assessment over the phone to:
- Understand your health care needs and situation
- Determine your eligibility for Community Health Services
- Determine which service(s) will best meet your needs and situation
- Complete a home safety questionnaire
We encourage you to ask the Intake Clinician any questions you may have about the services and supports available to you.
Once the intake assessment is complete, you will be referred to the most appropriate service(s) in your area. Community Access will notify your primary care provider of any health care services we have arranged for you.
Step 3 – Care Plan
If referred for services, a health professional will work with you to develop a care plan to meet your needs.
You will be included in any decisions made about your care.You have the right to consent to or decline any care that is offered to you. Please let your health professional know if you have a Health Representative Agreement, Advance Directive or Advance Care Plan where you have documented your health care wishes.
Other resources may be helpful to you
- 8-1-1 is the provincial health information and advice phone line. More information on 8-1-1 can be foundhere.
- 2-1-1 is a provincial non-profit society that delivers information and referral services for community and government programs. More information on 2-1-1 can be foundhere.